Flying above the clouds

confidence fwordstoliveby self care Oct 19, 2022

When on a flight, isn’t it so beautiful to be above the clouds and look down? On my recent flight, I took some time to reflect on 2022 while flying above the clouds.

Do you like reflecting on the year? Do you look for changes you want to make? I hope by sharing some of mine, it motivates you to begin reflecting on your year and your goals.

Have you returned to your pre-Covid crazy pace? I see myself going back there and I don’t like it. Upon reflecting above the clouds, I’ve made a few conclusions. You might find these "flying lessons" helpful as we approach the end of 2022 and plan for 2023.

  1. Take care of you. If there is a loss of pressure in the cabin the oxygen mask will release. You are instructed to apply it to yourself first, then assist your children or anyone else. Imagine that! Doing something for yourself first. Sounds a bit like self-care, doesn’t it? Have you gone back to putting everyone else first? You can’t pour from an empty cup my dear. So many depend on us; children, parents, grandchildren, friends, neighbors. We have to take care of ourselves before we can take care of others.
  2. Just breathe. On my first flight there was actually an empty seat next to me. It wasn’t a full flight! I haven’t been on a flight like that for a long time. I had room to breathe! I love my morning quiet time and even on this flight I had breathing space for myself. What about you? Do you give yourself some breathing space each day? What about a slower pace? Doesn’t that sound beautiful. Our best days are ahead and we need to slow down to enjoy them. Breathe!
  3. Power down. When I get on a plane, I do not put my phone on airplane mode. I turn it OFF. Wow – what an idea. Disconnecting from the phone. On so many days I find myself task switching way too often because of the phone. There are other reasons for task switching as well but the phone (and my husband) are the biggest reasons. Having my phone off gives me time to read and journal. I was re-reading my journal from the beginning of the year. Wow – what a great reminder of all I’ve accomplished this year.

So, I’ve made some decisions for 2023.

In 2023 I plan to:

  • Be still
  • Do less
  • Want less
  • Make space
  • Stop

What are your plans for 2023?

And before you go about your day, I would love to hear back from you. Do you enjoy reading or would you enjoy more video? Thank you in advance for responding.