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F Words to Live By

10 Tips for Looking & Feeling Younger fwords to live by fwordstoliveby look younger Jul 10, 2024

Having enough energy to do all you want in a day is a basic human need. So often when a woman starts the FASTer Way to Fat Loss, she expresses her desire to have more energy.

After working with women for over 40 years, I can confidently give you the tips I’ve seen transform a woman’s...

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Today be what you Eat & Drink, Wear and Think f word to live by fwordstoliveby Jul 03, 2024

Happy 4th of July! As we celebrate this special day of freedom and independence, let’s take a moment to reflect on the things that truly define us: what we eat and drink, wear, and think. This weeks newsletter is dedicated to embracing a holistic approach to living life to the fullest.


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Being Green is the new Red, White and Blue fwords to live by fwordstoliveby sustainability sustainable clothing Jun 26, 2024

I don’t know of a single woman who hasn’t made bad clothing choices. Do you have clothing in your closet with tags still on it? Do you have clothing in your closet you have never worn? Studies have shown that women wear 20% of their clothing 80% of the time. Would you agree?


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Protein to Fuel Fat Loss f word to live by fwordstoliveby protein Jun 19, 2024

Do you feel you eat enough protein? Fact - most women do not consume enough protein and protein is the most important macronutrient for satisfying cravings and shedding fat.

Do you eat enough? And how much should you be consuming? It depends. How active are you? For a completely sedentary...

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Body Transformation Success: Achieving Your Dream Physique with 5 Hacks body transformation f word to live by fwordstoliveby Jun 12, 2024

Are you tired of feeling self-conscious about your body? Do you dream of achieving your ideal physique but struggle to make progress?

Body transformation is about more than just burning fat; it’s about changing your lifestyle and mindset to become the healthiest, happiest version of...

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faster way to fat loss fwords to live by fwordstoliveby gut health women's health May 29, 2024

How important is it to have a healthy gut? Imbalances in the gut microbiome can cause health issues from rashes to deadly diseases so I would say it is VERY important. Maybe you are dealing with belly fat you would like to get rid of (most women are). A healthy gut impacts that as well.


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Top 7 Tips to Banish Belly Fat belly fat fwords to live by fwordstoliveby May 14, 2024

Excessive belly fat, particularly visceral fat, is associated with several health risks, including increased chances of cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes. Managing belly fat is crucial to your health. Here are my top culprits you need to omit to banish that belly fat.

1. Sugary Foods...

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Why Older Sisters are Often like Mothers female friendships friendship fwords to live by fwordstoliveby sisters May 08, 2024

While siblings share several roles and connections, there's a unique phenomenon where older sisters naturally adopt maternal traits, embodying the nurturing essence typically associated with motherhood. This unspoken role shapes the lives of both the older sister and her younger siblings.

From a...

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Seizing Control of Your Health Now! fwords to live by fwordstoliveby seize control of your health take control of your health Mar 06, 2024

Back in the 90’s we were told to eat more carbs, fat was bad, and meat would harm you. So, I would drive through McDonalds with my girls and get their happy meals and I would order a hamburger without the patty. Yes, you heard that right – I thought it would be better to eat the white...

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What to focus on for a bright, positive, future f word to live by fwordstoliveby Feb 28, 2024

I have personally seen some incredible changes in an individual’s quality of life when they were intentional about changing for the better. By being intentional I mean deciding to change because let’s be real - it is a decision.

If you think you can or you think you can’t,...

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Did you say “Happy Valentine’s Day” in a pair of granny panties? fwords to live by fwordstoliveby valentine's day Feb 13, 2024

While we all love grandmothers, granny underwear is quite another story.

Have any of these thoughts stopped you from having great lingerie?

  • No one sees my underwear so why bother?
  • Pretty underwear is not practical and it’s uncomfortable.
  • Lingerie is for young people with perfect bodies.
  • ...
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A Conversation with Your Beating Heart american heart month fwords to live by fwordstoliveby Jan 31, 2024

February is a special month for me – your heart. It's American Heart Month, a time when we focus on the organ that tirelessly pumps life through your veins. As I beat within your chest, I want to share some heartfelt reflections and encourage you to prioritize the health of the very core of...

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