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F Words to Live By

faster way to fat loss fwords to live by fwordstoliveby gut health women's health May 29, 2024

How important is it to have a healthy gut? Imbalances in the gut microbiome can cause health issues from rashes to deadly diseases so I would say it is VERY important. Maybe you are dealing with belly fat you would like to get rid of (most women are). A healthy gut impacts that as well.


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When Life Hands You a Football f word to live by faster way to fat loss fwordstoliveby Oct 03, 2023

I’m not a football expert but I do love watching the Superbowl (and the commercials) every year. There is nothing like watching a football game and seeing a strong 4th quarter comeback.

One of the best all time 4th quarter comebacks is the story of Vince Papale. This 30-year-old who was a...

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Body Transformation Success: Achieving Your Dream Physique with 5 Hacks body transformation f word to live by faster way to fat loss fit fwordstoliveby Jun 14, 2023

Are you tired of feeling self-conscious about your body? Do you dream of achieving your ideal physique but struggle to make progress?

Body transformation is about more than just burning fat; it’s about changing your lifestyle and mindset to become the healthiest, happiest version of...

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How to Lick the Sugar Habit diet & exercise f word to live by faster way to fat loss sugar addiction Oct 12, 2022

Do you realize how much sugar is added to our food?

Meat packers feed sugar to animals prior to slaughter to improve the flavor and color of cured meat. Sugar in the form of corn syrup and dehydrated molasses is often added to hamburgers sold in restaurants to reduce shrinkage. Have you seen the...

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3 Ways to Make Your Health a Priority f word to live by faster way to fat loss fwordstoliveby Sep 26, 2022

It can be so frustrating to end a year you thought for sure would end with you FINALLY reaching your health goal only to find yourself not quite there. But remember, your health is a journey, not a destination.
I know many women who either want to drop body fat, start an exercise program, or eat...

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Kick the Sugar Craving NOW! diet & exercise f word to live by faster way to fat loss food fwordstoliveby sugar addiction Jul 06, 2022

Sugar-addiction is a real thing. Today the average American consumes almost 152 pounds of sugar in one year. This is equal to 3 pounds (or 6 cups) of sugar consumed in one week! What about you? What is your relationship to sugar? If you are not sure if you are sugar addicted take this short quiz...

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5-Day Summer Slim Down f word to live by faster way to fat loss summer slim down Jun 07, 2022

Summer means beach days, pool parties, barbecues, and fun in the sun...but what about your health and fitness goals?

From June 13-17 you can participate in a 5-Day Summer Slim Down with Faster Way to Fat Loss. Instead of sitting on the sidelines, covering yourself up while summer passes you...

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