Does This Hat Make My Butt Look Big?

derby style f word to live by fashion fwordstoliveby May 03, 2023

I know you’ve done it – stood in front of a mirror and tried on hats. You love them, you want to wear them, but you put it back because you aren’t sure you would wear it.

Your hat is a piece of art and like art, should reflect your personality and attitude. If you are wearing your hat for an extended amount of time, comfort will be key.

Here are my best tips for wearing and enjoying a hat:

  • Where to wear your hat. Wear your hat on top of your head, not on the back like a cherry picker. When trying on your hat, first hold the hat in front of you with both hands and then place it on your head from the front, not from the back.
  • Bang, bang. If you have bangs, you will want to tuck those under the brim and not have them sticking out. If you don’t want to hide your bangs, you might want to wear a fascinator instead.
    Place the hat to your eyebrows then lift it up the distance of two fingers. Slanting or angling the hat can add more drama.
  • Tuck it. If you have long hair, tuck it behind your ears or wear a low ponytail.
    For wide-brimmed hats the general rule is to keep the brim no wider than your shoulder span. However, when it comes to wearing a Derby hat, this rule is usually broken. I personally love a hat that requires its own zip code.
  • Match your outfit's vibe. Casual attire calls for a more casual hat and dressier clothing styles need more of a high fashion look.
  • Check the weather when you choose. Consider the color and weight of the hat. A darker color or heavier hat on a hot day can find you with more than a dewy appearance and running for a tissue to wipe off the sweat.
  • Sparkle and Shine. A fascinator’s decorations are usually worn on the side you part your hair.
  • The shape of things. Oval face shapes look better with wide brim styles while a rounder face looks great in a fascinator. A square face shape looks great in a slouchy hat.

Experiment and try several different styles. Enjoy wearing your hat. Stand tall and wear it with confidence. Send me a picture of you wearing your hat.