Is there such a thing as complete confidence?

confident woman recipe f word to live by fwordstoliveby Aug 24, 2022

Confidence is the foundation for everything. It directly affects how you live life. It determines how you show up for your career, family, friends and to the world. Nothing is more powerful than confidence.
Confidence is the vehicle to achieving authentic happiness and developing your confident secure voice. The voice that should be telling you how wonderful, strong, and capable you are.
You can develop this strong secure voice any time in your life no matter what you have gone through in the past. Here are 3 tips for gaining complete confidence on a daily basis.

  1. How do you talk to yourself? Negative thoughts will damage your confidence. What is the first thing you think in the morning? Do you beat yourself up for staying up too late watching television? Are you mad at yourself for eating that bowl of ice cream before bed? That is the past ladies. When you first wake up in the morning, tell yourself it is going to be a great day. Think about what you are excited about, not what you are worried about. This is a morning muscle you can develop. Thinking good thoughts produces a good day.
  2. Positive affirmations. A lack of confidence often originates from negative thoughts that chip away at you. These thoughts will destroy your self-image. You have to squash each negative thought with multiple positive ones. Have positive affirmations ready to say to yourself – out loud if possible. If you aren’t sure how to start with creating positive affirmations, be sure to read next week’s blog for more details.
  3. Face your fears. Years ago, I read a book by Brian Tracy called Eat that Frog. It contains 21 ways to stop procrastinating. Procrastination can kill confidence. On a daily basis we all have those tasks we don’t want to do. A difficult phone call we have to make. A challenging project to finish. A closet that needs to be cleaned out. But if you do it first thing, just go ahead and eat that frog, you feel so great the rest of the day for having accomplished it. When you feel in control, there is a sense of confidence and comfort. Slay that ugly frog and go after what scares you. The result of taking such action makes you more confident because you feel more capable.

Can you see, by doing these three tips on a daily basis, how you might feel more fierce, passionate, loving or driven? See yourself behaving differently. What could you achieve if you would 10x your confidence?

If you or someone you know could use a boost of confidence, join me for my FREE Workshop, 3 Secrets to Increase Confidence on Tuesday, September 13 at 7:00 p.m. EST. I look forward to seeing you.