Lose some pants!

closet cleaning f word to live by fashion fwordstoliveby Mar 01, 2023

In this final round of the closet diet, we are talking about PANTS!

What you wear around your bottom half can make you look tall and thin or short and fat. It is time to say goodbye to any pant that is not making you (and your bottom) look its best! Ask yourself the following questions to see if your pants are working for or against you.

  1. Do they fit well? A loose waist can be taken in. Baggy fabric in the butt or thigh is very difficult to fix and adds 5-10 pounds. The waist can be fixed, the baggy butt cannot. You decide if it goes or not.
  2. Are the pants in good repair? If the fabric is faded or getting thin you will want to get rid of them.
  3. Is the length right? I often see women wearing their pants too short. Short pants make your legs look short. Your pant hem should ideally hit your shoe in the middle of the heel. I own jeans that I have specifically hemmed for flats and some for heels. Having the correct hemline will give you the longest leg line possible.
  4. Are your pants in a flattering color? If you are larger on the bottom half or do not want to draw the eye to your back side, keep your pant color a darker shade than your top. In general, you want to be cautious wearing large patterns or horizontal lines on the bottom half.
  5. Is the style flattering? Do you have visible panty lines? Do you need to change your foundation pieces or let the pants go?

Pants come in every shape and size. There IS a fabulous pant out there for you. Continue to edit your closet and only keep what makes you feel great and that you LOVE wearing. Your new lean and trim closet will make you proud to get dressed.