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F Words to Live By

The Artist in You May 24, 2023

The canvas in front of you is as wide as your imagination. Before picking up the paint brush, open your mind to all that is possible. Give birth to the woman fighting to get out. You are NOT too old, past your prime or out of touch. YOU still have hopes and dreams within you. Let this journey...

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Cherish and Challenge in May f word to live by fwordstoliveby summer challenge May 17, 2023

There is so much to cherish about the month of May. Having ambitious goals doesn’t mean you stop noticing the small things in life. These small things can help build a foundation for you to reach higher goals.

Here are seven small things I CHERISH with gratitude in May:

  • Staying light...
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If Only… f word to live by fwordstoliveby May 10, 2023

We all do things we desperately wish we could undo. Feeling regret reminds us to think carefully about decisions we make in the future and not to make the same mistakes of the past. Regrets also help us learn about ourselves and what it is that we really want. Regret is unavoidable when you are...

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Does This Hat Make My Butt Look Big? derby style f word to live by fashion fwordstoliveby May 03, 2023

I know you’ve done it – stood in front of a mirror and tried on hats. You love them, you want to wear them, but you put it back because you aren’t sure you would wear it.

Your hat is a piece of art and like art, should reflect your personality and attitude. If you are wearing...

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Focus on the “Paw”sitive f word to live by Apr 26, 2023

 How many of you adopted a pet during the pandemic? My family purchased a pandemic puppy and my daughters named her Nala. The name Nala means "Queen" and she definitely rules the house.

We can learn so much from our pets. Below are eight lessons I have learned from my pet Nala. I hope at...

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Chronic Stress vs Happy Hormones f word to live by fwordstoliveby wellness Apr 19, 2023

There is a lot going on in our world, our country, our state, our city, and our neighborhoods. There is more stress in your life today than your ancestors. You must take small steps daily to get this stress under control because it is deadly.

Stress can cause heart disease, cancer, weight gain,...

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Change Your Energy- Change Your Life Apr 12, 2023

In the beginning of my Image Consulting career, I worked in a lot of closets. Nothing is more exciting than turning a woman’s closet into her sanctuary, her boutique. Your closet is your shrine – or at least it should be.

When I would start working with a woman, the idea of working in...

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Packing like a Pro! f word to live by fwordstoliveby Apr 02, 2023

During the next few months, opportunities abound for short or long trips that can provide a welcome break from your usual routine. Take advantage of these occasions and be prepared to “get out of Dodge” at a moment’s notice. The trick is to know what to pack and be able to do it...

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Ways to tend to your garden of life f word to live by Mar 29, 2023

A garden is a series of losses set against a few triumphs, like life itself. Whether you have a summer garden or not, nurturing a garden is similar to nurturing your own life.

  1. What you plant in your mind will harvest your tomorrow. I believe you are what you Eat & Drink, Wear and Think. What...
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Two health matters to address right now Mar 22, 2023

Back in the 90’s we were told to eat more carbs, fat was bad, and meat would harm you. So, I would drive through McDonalds with my girls and get their happy meals and I would order a hamburger without the patty. Yes, you heard that right – I thought it would be better to eat the white...

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Spring into Action Mar 15, 2023

Spring begins Monday. Are you in dark cashmere sweaters dreaming about when you can be wearing lighter, brighter clothes?

How about I offer you ways to wear what you have, but with a nod toward spring? Ready for a style lift? Here goes!

  1. Review your winter coats. Do you have one or two coats that...
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Three Myths about You and Fashion Mar 09, 2023

As you prepare for spring and lunches, dinners, networking events or special occasions, it could feel a bit daunting getting dressed. You are still saying you aren’t sure what to wear. Some of you have told me you are still wearing your workout clothing on a daily basis – all day! I...

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